Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wheel-come to the Blog!

Hello Blog!

Sorry in advance if I come off as a little hyper today. But I have a new member of the family that I would like to introduce. Long time readers may know about my long-held desire for a spinning wheel, and after years of waiting and obsessing, I finally have one!

I ordered a Kromski Minstrel from Winderwoodfarm on Etsy. And I'm sooooo pleased with it! The wheel came in pieces, and while technically assembling it was "simple" and "easy", it was not as easy as I thought it would be. I couldn't get the legs in by myself and had to get my husband to hold it for me so I could pound them in.

Of course I've been spinning as much as possible since. I bought the wheel in a package that came with extra bobbins, a niddy noddy, and plenty of fiber to get started!  I've heard a lot of people on the internets say that you should expect to spin a pound of wool as a 'getting to know you' period, so that's what I'm doing! I've decided to take a no-stress experiment-without-goals approach to my first pound. Its white domestic, and I plan I dying it with kool-aid after :)

I've already filled one bobbin with almost 4oz, and have a little over an ounce loaded on bobbin number 2.  Be sure to check back for more spinning updates in the future!

Also, if you are more of a visual person, I'll be talking about  gushing over my new wheel on episode 2 of my video blog, which will hopefully go live later today. Is now Live.
Until next, cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, congratulations! I can't wait to get a wheel of my own...
